FAQ - frequently asked questions
A Learnership is a work-based learning programme that leads to a nationally recognised qualification that is directly related to an occupation, for example an accountant, construction worker, health care worker, IT technician or motor mechanic. Learnerships combine a structured learning component with practical work experience that is acquired while being employed in a company, government department or small business. Learners in Learnerships have to attend classes at a college or training centre to complete the classroom-based learning, and they also have to complete on-the-job training in a workplace. This means that unemployed people can only participate in a Learnership if there is an employer that is prepared to provide the required work experience.
Learnerships are available for young people who are just leaving school, college or other training institutions after completing some formal education, and for people who have been unemployed for some time. People entering a Learnership must be at least 16 years old and younger than 35 years. The Department of Labour has set the following targets for learners entering Learnerships: 85% should be Black, 54% should be women and 4% should be people with disabilities.
People entering a Learnership do not have to pay anything for the programme.
• The Learner
Before the Learnership can begin a suitable candidate must be selected for the position. Every Learnership will have requirements that the learner must meet in order to qualify for the opportunity. This can include factors like prior education or experience in the field.
• The Employer
The employer is responsible for providing the work experience part of the Learnership. Learners will receive training, guidance and mentoring in order to understand and carry out their roles in the organisation for the duration of their employment.
• The Training Provider
The training provider “provides theoretical or institutional training to the learner as per the qualification.” This is similar to traditional learning institutions and is generally done in a classroom setting. Learners will typically begin with the theoretical learning which they will later apply during their practical work experience.
Once the learner has been selected all three parties will enter into a Learnership agreement. This is a contract for a specific period that aims to ensure commitment to the programme from all role players. “It outlines the rights and responsibilities of each of the three stakeholders.”
• Workplace Experience
Learnerships provide participants with practical, on-the-job training, allowing them to gain valuable work experience in their chosen field. This hands-on experience enhances their employability and gives them a competitive edge in the job market.
• Industry-Specific Skills
Learnerships are designed to provide industry-specific skills and knowledge. Participants receive training that aligns with the requirements and demands of the particular sector, equipping them with relevant skills and expertise.
• Recognized Qualifications
Learnerships combine theoretical learning with practical training, leading to nationally recognized qualifications upon successful completion. These qualifications validate the learners' skills and enhance their prospects for career advancement.
• Increased Employability
Learnerships enhance participants' employability by equipping them with industry-relevant skills, practical experience, and recognized qualifications. This makes them more attractive to potential employers and increases their chances of securing employment.
• Networking Opportunities
During a Learnership, participants have the opportunity to network with professionals, mentors, and other learners in their field. These connections can be valuable for future job prospects, mentorship, and professional development.
All unemployed people selected for a Learnership programme will be paid a learner allowance by the employer. The allowance is not a salary, but is intended to cover the cost of expenses like travel and meals you will have to pay for because you are in the Learnership.
One of the conditions of a Learnership is that unemployed people must be employed by an employer for the duration of the Learnership. This means that unemployed people can only enter into a Learnership if there is an employer that is willing and able to take unemployed people into a Learnership programme. Unemployed people can apply to enter a Learnership if there is an employer that is calling for applications for unemployed people. Employers sometimes advertise in newspapers for unemployed learners, or they communicate the message in the city, town or community in which their premises are situated.
If you are an unemployed person who is interested in entering a Learnership you could contact the nearest Labour Centre or provincial office of the Department of Labour. Before approaching any of these bodies to tell them about your interest in entering a Learnership you should think about the area in which you would like to do the Learnership. For example, you may have a particular interest in working in the catering field, or you may wish to study further in marketing. Maybe you are very good with fixing computers and would like to study further to get a qualification in that field. This will assist you to find a Learnership that matches your interest, talents or career goals.
It usually takes a year to complete a Learnership, although there are some Learnerships that are completed over two or more years. It is possible for learners to complete a Learnership in a shorter time through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). This is a process through which learners will be able to get formal recognition for parts of the programme that they have already completed through previous learning or work-based experience.
During the Learnership you will have to complete assignments, for example written tests, projects, practical tasks and demonstrations. You will be formally assessed in the classroom and in the workplace. That means that you will be tested in some way. If you successfully complete all these assignments, you will be awarded a qualification that is recognised throughout the country. You will be given an official certificate that will state the qualification, which will indicate the area in which you have developed skills during the Learnership.
If you are accepted for a Learnership, you will have to sign two legal documents: the first is a Learnership Agreement and the second is an Employment Contract. The Learnership Agreement is signed by yourself, the organisation that will be employing you for the duration of the Learnership (the employer), and the training provider (such as a college) that will be offering the classroom-based training of the Learnership. The Learnership Agreement clearly spells out the rights and responsibilities of these three parties who sign the document. The second document is the employment contract that you will have to sign with the employer. This contract is only valid for the time period of the Learnership.
If you are unemployed when the Learnership begins, there is no guarantee of a job at the end. The employer who provides you with training does not have to offer you a job. But with a qualification and work experience you will be in a better position to get a job than before. You might also want to think about studying further or starting up a business of your own. After completing a Learnership the learner will be in a better position to market him or herself for employment and this will also enhance the learner’s chances of generating income by self-employment, opening small businesses or establishing cooperatives with the skills that they would have acquired. Learners could use the Labour Centres, private employment agencies or organisations like the Umsobomvu Youth Fund, to explore other opportunities.
• The employer makes the final decision about taking an unemployed learner(s) into a Learnership in his/her employment and then signs the employment contract with the learner and provides the work experience part of the Learnership. The employer also signs the same Learnership Agreement, which specifies the learner allowance to be paid to the Learner.
• The training provider provides the more theoretical classroom-based training of the Learnership, and signs the same Learnership Agreement as the other two parties.
• A Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) organises and facilitates the funding of Learnerships in a specific area of the economy (for example transport, or tourism or hospitality), and ensures the quality of the Learnership. The Department of Labour, through its Employment Services, provides assistance with the recruitment, selection and referral of unemployed people to employers looking for learners.
The rights of learners in a Learnership are described in Sectoral Determination No. 5 on Learnerships, which forms part of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997. The Sectoral Determination is an official document that describes the conditions of employment of unemployed learners. It covers issues such as hours of work, annual leave and sick leave, the contract of employment that must be signed by the learner and the employer, as well as the certificate of service that the employer has to provide to the learner at the end of the Learnership. Employers have to adhere to the requirements stipulated in the Sectoral Determination, and they have to explain the conditions in it to learners. You can get a copy of the Sectoral Determination on the Department of Labour’s website, www.labour.gov.za Search under topics for “L” and go to “Learnerships”, then scroll down to “Sectoral Determination”.
Yes, a Learnership can be terminated under certain conditions. An employer may only terminate the contract of employment of a learner if:
• The period of duration specified in the Learnership agreement has expired.
• The learner successfully completes the Learnership.
• The employer and learner have agreed in writing to terminate the Learnership agreement, or if there is no such agreement, the SETA which registered the agreement approves its termination.
• The learner is fairly dismissed for a reason related to the learner’s conduct or capacity as an employee.
• Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993
Clauses 21 and 22 do not apply to an inability to work caused by an accident or occupational disease as defined in the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993, or the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973, except in respect of any period during which no compensation is payable in terms of those Acts
• Labour Relations Act, 1995
Disputes about Learnership Sectoral Determination 5. A party dispute in terms of this determination may refer the dispute to the CCMA by submitting a completed Form 7.11 published in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1995
• Bridging the Gap between Education and Employment
Learnerships help bridge the gap between education and employment by providing practical training and experience to individuals who may have theoretical knowledge but lack work-related skills. This helps to address the skills shortage and improve the transition from education to the workforce.
• Government Support
The South African government encourages Learnerships as part of its commitment to youth empowerment and skills development. As a result, there are various incentives, grants, and tax benefits available to companies that participate in Learnership programs, creating additional opportunities for learners.
• Learners may be existing employees or new entrants.
• Learners must meet the entry requirements for the particular Learnership as determined by the qualification requirements on which the Learnership is based and learners must meet the selection criteria determined by the organisation taking on the learner.
• Employers are workplace approved and are required to meet the pre-registration criteria
• Training providers are accredited to provide the chosen Learnership by the relevant ETQA
• Qualified assessors are available (either in-house or contracted in)
• Companies advertise Learnership opportunities using the media of their choice
• Learners may apply following the company process as advertised
• Learner is selected by the company recruitment process
• Learnership agreement is signed between the employer, provider and learner (tripartite agreement)
• Short-term employment contract is signed between the employer and the learner if the learner is unemployed
• The learning programme and process is discussed and agreed to with the provider
• Employer funds the Learnership, through grants obtained from the SETA
• Employer and provider provide relevant learning and experience, working closely to manage the Learnership process
• Learner is provided with support through mentoring and feedback
• Learner is assessed by a qualified assessor (formative and summative assessments)
• The merSETA Quality Assuror is called to undertake moderation of the assessment and internal moderation must be undertaken by the provider
• On successful completion of the Learnership, a national qualification is awarded to the learner
• Learner receive a statement of results for unit standards achieved if Learnership is not successfully completed
• Once the Learnership is completed, the employer can decide whether to sign the learner on for a new Learnership,employ the learner or release the learner for future employment by another organization, if he/she was originally unemployed
• The unemployed / pre-employed learner is paid an allowance. The minimum allowances for learners are regulated.
• The employed learner continues to receive his/her current salary.
Contact your SETA for details on discretionary grants that are available.
A tax rebate for employers can also be claimed from SARS
Link: https://www.sars.gov.za/wp-content/uploads/Ops/Guides/LAPD-IT-G09-Guide-on-the-Tax-Incentive-for-Learnership-Agreements.pdf
Employment Tax Incentive Scheme 22 January 2014:
Link: https://www.merseta.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/1-Employment-Tax-Incentive-Scheme-22-Jan-2014.pdf
Learnership Allowance Amendments 01 January 2010:
Link: https://www.merseta.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/1-Learnership-Allowance-Amendments-01-January-2010-2.pdf